Microstructure-armored surface and its tribological effects on ultralow-wear PEEK/PTFE composites - ScienceDirect
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◎ Microstructure-armored surface and its tribological effects on ultralow-wear PEEK/PTFE composites - ScienceDirect 2023-12-18 相關報導: ◎ (PDF) Assessing the fouling behavior of PTFE membrane in air-gap membrane distillation against oil-in-brine stabilized ... - ResearchGate 2024-01-30 相關報導: ◎ Tolsa Presents an Effective Solution for the Replacement of PTFE in Flame Retardancy of PP, PVC and Nylons - Plastics Technology 2024-01-18 相關報導: ◎ Acid permeability related corrosion protection properties of PTFE coatings for waste heat recovery - ScienceDirect 2023-07-01 相關報導: ◎ Clay and Silicate Flame-retardant Synergists Promoted as PTFE Alternatives - PlasticsToday 2024-03-12 相關報導: